All Artwork

All framing materials are acid free conservation. All artwork is painted or printed with archival pigments. All artwork is also available as a framed canvas print.

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  • Framed Canvas Prints

    Framed canvas prints are reproductions of Michaela‘s artwork, printed with archival pigments on canvas and finished with a protective coating.

    Framed Canvas Prints

    Framed canvas prints are reproductions of Michaela‘s artwork, printed with archival pigments on canvas and finished with a protective coating.

  • Glasswork

    These glass creations are all original designs by Michaela. She works in collaboration with the client on any glass commission to create a beautiful stained or fused glass piece of art.


    These glass creations are all original designs by Michaela. She works in collaboration with the client on any glass commission to create a beautiful stained or fused glass piece of art.

  • Limited Edition Reproductions

    Limited edition reproductions are Michaela’s paintings reproduced as an offset lithograph. The image dimensions size is limited to a specific number of prints.

    Limited Edition Reproductions

    Limited edition reproductions are Michaela’s paintings reproduced as an offset lithograph. The image dimensions size is limited to a specific number of prints.

  • Original Watercolours & Acrylics

    All original paintings are created from Michaela’s inspiration of her own interpretation and experience.

    Original Watercolours & Acrylics

    All original paintings are created from Michaela’s inspiration of her own interpretation and experience.

  • Unframed Giclee Prints

    Giclee prints are reproduced using 140lb Arches Archival watercolour paper and pigments. They are a specific size and number of prints.

    Unframed Giclee Prints

    Giclee prints are reproduced using 140lb Arches Archival watercolour paper and pigments. They are a specific size and number of prints.